Sunday, March 15, 2009

No Vomit or Bloody Nipples: My First Half Marathon

And they said it couldn't be done. This morning I ran my very first half marathon. This was a goal that has been on my radar for awhile and something that I had convinced myself that I wanted to do before I turned 30. Last fall I decided to change my exercise habits (i.e. do something!) and I quickly realized that I actually enjoyed being more active because it gave me an escape from the craziness of my life and the time that I spent running or at the gym was the only time I could be myself and tuned the rest of the world out. My friend Megan talked me into signing up for the Shamrock'n Half Marathon and I thought, "What the hell. It will give me something to work towards." Even though I was trying to lose weight I liked the idea of working toward an event rather than a weight goal.

Keep in mind that at this I was only running about two miles twice a week. I'm using the term running very loosely... it was pretty rough going from the start. I slowly built up my endurance and shocked myself two weeks ago when I ran 11 miles without stopping. It was the first time I realized that accomplishing this goal was a strong possibility.

I woke up this morning, got dressed, applied all of the necessary lubricants (yes, I learned this lesson the hard way early on) and walked outside to discover there was a slight drizzle. Undeterred, I made my way to Raley Field. I had no idea how huge this event was; there were at least 4000 people participating and there definitely was a sense of a common experience even though I knew no one there. I realized quickly, however, that some of these people were more hardcore than I would ever be.

Overheard before the race (these were mostly independent conversations):
"I need to get a new pair of shoes after this race. This is their last event. [Lowering voice] There's blood on them!"
"I always find that it's hard to throw away an old pair of shoes. There are just so many memories!"
"Is everybody all lubed up!?"
"I hope no one is bothered by my overwhelming stench of Bengay."

Here were my thoughts along the way:
*Mile 1 - Concerned about the large number of people and felt a little claustrophobic at first. The race left Raley Field in West Sacramento and crossed the Tower Bridge into downtown Sacramento. Running toward the Captiol building was pretty inspiring.
*Mile 2 - Still pretty packed and I was annoyed with the women who were trying to cut through the masses. Even more annoyed when I saw them walking about half a mile later.
*Mile 3 - This was the first water/toilet stop. I didn't understand why people were already stopping to go to the bathroom. How much water did you drink this morning!?
*Mile 4 - I've learned from my training that first couple of miles are always the worst for me as I try to find a pace and control my breathing. Wasn't thinking about much other than just making it through.
*Mile 5 - Finally felt like I hit my stride. Spent some time wondering about people and all of their equipment. Yes, I have my iPod that helps me keep pace there's all sorts of devices that people are always checking. I was also confused about people who have multiple bottles of water (now the bathroom breaks are making more sense) that are attached at their waists. Just seems like extra weight to me and more crap to worry about. I still don't know what "goo" is and why people seem to be so obsessed with it.
*Mile 6 - Crossed back over the Tower Bridge into West Sacramento. Saw a lot of people holding signs and cheering. I was a little overcome with emotion to see so many people being supportive and realized that I was participating in something pretty significant.
*Mile 7 - Tried to focus on the fact that I was over halfway done rather than the flipside that I was ONLY halfway done.
*Mile 8 - Megan warned me this was a tough mile. Didn't seem so bad at first and then it hit me. Kept pushing forward knowing that I was actually doing this!
*Miles 9 & 10 - Kind of a blur but there were moments along the way when I noticed the variety of people participating. I was particularly impressed with this group of moms who were walking and being so supportive of one another.
*Mile 11 - Picked up the pace because I was so excited that I only had a couple of miles to go.
*Mile 12 - Regretted the increased pace on Mile 11. Also, for a fairly flat course I felt it was a little cruel that there were a couple of small inclines at the very end.
*Mile 13 - The mood of the people around me seemed to pick up quite a bit. I took off my headphones because I wanted to experience this. We ran into Raley Field for the final stretch and the finish line was around home plate. Yes, I had done this!

Official time: 2:13:57 (a 10:15 pace which is AMAZING for me). Plus, the only time I walked was the at the water stops. I was impressed with myself. No pics as of yet but they're coming.

Fox & Goose for brunch was pretty incredible.

Will I be doing another race? Probably but no decisions until this ache in my legs goes away!

Monday, March 9, 2009

15 Albums That Changed My Life

I didn't get into music until high school. I didn't REALLY get into music until college. Now it's my lifeblood and it seems like I'm always listening to something, either at work, home, in the car, at the gym, while studying. I'm a little obsessed with finding new music and am always looking for new recommendations.

Apparently there's a meme going around Facebook about the 15 albums that changed your life. No one that I know has done this yet and I've sworn off those stupid memes so I've decided to turn it into a blog post. These are in no particular order. Enjoy!

Counting Crows - August and Everything After
REM - Automatic For The People
Madonna - Ray of Light
Pete Yorn - Musicforthemorningafter
Duncan Sheik - Duncan Sheik
David Gray - White Ladder
The Killers - Hot Fuss
Coldplay - A Rush of Blood to the Head
The Good Will Hunting Soundtrack
Dave Matthews Band - Under the Table and Dreaming
Rufus Wainwright - Poses
Chris Isaak - Forever Blue
U2 - Achtung Baby
Robbie Williams - The Ego Has Landed
Ryan Adams - Gold

Just finished this list and realized there are a surprising number of male artists (bands) that have been influential to me. I'll have to give that some thought...

Sunday, March 8, 2009


Saturday Night Live has been so hit and miss this season. Well, I guess it's hit and miss in general. The only highlights are pretty much anything with Kristen Wiig when she has a crazy character. I think the new female cast members are showing promise but they haven't been given much to do.

I watched last night's ep with The Rock, er Dwayne Johnson, in installments: part before I got bored and went to bed and the rest this morning when I woke up earlier than expected. First of all, the cold open with Bill Hader as the Treasury Secretary was utterly depressing. I don't watch SNL to feel less secure about the state of our economy. The Rock in general was a pretty good sport with the monologue but I didn't find it funny. I did like "The Rock" Obama sketch but couldn't help but think that The Rock plays a better Obama than Fred Armisen does. Couldn't they have hired someone new??

The main point of this post is to address my complete boredom with McGruber and the Activia sketches. McGruber was [somewhat] funny the first time. It's never been funny since then. The product placement with Pepsi ("Pepsuber!") was mildly amusing but the whole concept is tired. And the fact that there are multiple McGruber sketches in the same episode is major overkill.

As I stated above, I heart me some Kristen Wiig and enjoyed the first time she played Jamie Lee Curtis but how can you really repeat a character whose whole point is that she craps her pants because she eats too much yogurt? Oh, you have multiple people crap their pants because they eat too much yogurt. Maybe it's just me but I don't find people pooping their pants to be very entertaining.

Oh, my title is in reference to Andy Samberg playing Cathy on Weekend Update. I don't find Samberg funny AT ALL but he's pretty good at this character. Plus, any cameo by Justin Timberlake is always a joy.

Wow, this post was much longer than expected...

Monday, March 2, 2009

Protect the children...

Not that I'm surprised, but here is a clip of Sean Hannity getting all up in arms about the proliferation of gay kissing at the Academy awards. I didn't watch the Oscars this year and I sure am glad that I stayed away. I obviously would have been robbed of my innocence. Maybe someday the Right will get it...