Sunday, March 8, 2009


Saturday Night Live has been so hit and miss this season. Well, I guess it's hit and miss in general. The only highlights are pretty much anything with Kristen Wiig when she has a crazy character. I think the new female cast members are showing promise but they haven't been given much to do.

I watched last night's ep with The Rock, er Dwayne Johnson, in installments: part before I got bored and went to bed and the rest this morning when I woke up earlier than expected. First of all, the cold open with Bill Hader as the Treasury Secretary was utterly depressing. I don't watch SNL to feel less secure about the state of our economy. The Rock in general was a pretty good sport with the monologue but I didn't find it funny. I did like "The Rock" Obama sketch but couldn't help but think that The Rock plays a better Obama than Fred Armisen does. Couldn't they have hired someone new??

The main point of this post is to address my complete boredom with McGruber and the Activia sketches. McGruber was [somewhat] funny the first time. It's never been funny since then. The product placement with Pepsi ("Pepsuber!") was mildly amusing but the whole concept is tired. And the fact that there are multiple McGruber sketches in the same episode is major overkill.

As I stated above, I heart me some Kristen Wiig and enjoyed the first time she played Jamie Lee Curtis but how can you really repeat a character whose whole point is that she craps her pants because she eats too much yogurt? Oh, you have multiple people crap their pants because they eat too much yogurt. Maybe it's just me but I don't find people pooping their pants to be very entertaining.

Oh, my title is in reference to Andy Samberg playing Cathy on Weekend Update. I don't find Samberg funny AT ALL but he's pretty good at this character. Plus, any cameo by Justin Timberlake is always a joy.

Wow, this post was much longer than expected...

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